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Angular Interview Questions and Answers

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Angular Interview Questions and Answers

Question - 61 : - What do you mean by isolated unit tests?

Answer - 61 : - Isolated test is a process of checking instance of class without using any injected values or Angular dependence. It helps you to implement program very easily.

Question - 62 : - Name DSL animation functions in AngularJS

Answer - 62 : - DSL animation functions in AngularJS are: 1) group(), 2) state(), 3) transition(), 4) style(), 5) keyframes(), 6) trigger(), 7) sequence(), and 8) animate().

Question - 63 : - What is AngularJS module?

Answer - 63 : - In angularJS, a module is a process to group directives, and services components that are related. It arranges them in a way that they can mix with other modules to create an application.

Question - 64 : - What are pipes in AngularJs?

Answer - 64 : - In angular, pipes provide a simple method to transform the data. It takes the values like arrays, integers, data, and strings as input and divided with pipe (|) symbol. It converts the data in the required format. Pipes displays the same thing in the browser. In angularJS, it provides some in-built pipes, but developers can also develop their own pipes.

Question - 65 : - Explain ViewEncapsulation in AngularJS

Answer - 65 : - ViewEncapsulation determines whether the styles defined in the AngularJS component will affect the entire app or not.

Question - 66 : - State some advantages of Angular over other frameworks.

Answer - 66 : -

Some of Angular’s advantages over other frameworks are:

  • Out of box Features: Several built-in features like routing, state management, rxjs library, and HTTP services are available from the get-go.
  • Declarative UI: Angular uses HTML to render the UI of an application as it is a declarative language, and this is much easier to use than in JavaScript.
  • Long-term Google Support: Google plans to stick with Angular and further scale up its ecosystem as it offers long-term support for the framework. 

Question - 67 : - What is the difference between Angular and AngularJS?

Answer - 67 : -

The differences between Angular and AngularJS are stated as follows:

  • Architecture: AngularJS supports the MVC design model. Angular relies on components and directives instead.
  • Dependency Injection (DI): Angular supports a hierarchical Dependency Injection with unidirectional tree-based change detection. AngularJS doesn’t support DI.
  • Expression Syntax: In AngularJS, a specific ng directive is required for the image or property and an event. Angular, on the other hand, uses () and [] for blinding an event and accomplishing property binding, respectively.
  • Mobile Support: AngularJS doesn’t have mobile support while Angular does.
  • Recommended Language: While JavaScript is the recommended language for AngularJS, TypeScript is the recommended language for Angular.
  • Routing: For routing, AngularJS uses $routeprovider.when() whereas Angular uses @RouteConfig{(…)}
  • Speed: The development effort and time are reduced significantly thanks to support for two-way data binding in AngularJS. Nonetheless, Angular is faster thanks to upgraded features.
  • Structure: With a simplified structure, Angular makes the development and maintenance of large applications easier. Comparatively, AngularJS has a less manageable structure.
  • Support: No official support or updates are available for AngularJS. On the contrary, Angular has active support with updates rolling out every now and then.

Question - 68 : - Can we make an Angular application render on the server-side?

Answer - 68 : -

Yes, we can, with Angular Universal. The benefits of using Angular Universal are: 

  • Better User Experience: Allows users to see the view of the application instantly. 
  • Better SEO: Universal ensures that the content is available on every search engine leading to better SEO.
  • Loads Faster: Render pages are available to the browsers sooner, so the server-side application loads faster. 

Question - 69 : - Explain Dependency Injection.

Answer - 69 : -

Dependency injection is an application design pattern that is implemented by Angular and forms the core concepts of Angular. 

Dependencies in Angular are services that simply have some functionality. Components and directives in an application may need these functionalities. Angular provides a smooth mechanism by which these dependencies are injected into components and directives.

Question - 70 : - What are services in Angular?

Answer - 70 : -

Singleton objects in Angular that get instantiated only once during the lifetime of an application are called services. An Angular service contains methods that maintain the data throughout the life of an application.

The primary intent of an Angular service is to organize as well as share business logic, models, or data and functions with various components of an Angular application.

The functions offered by an Angular service can be invoked from any Angular component, such as a controller or directive.

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