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Indian Law Interview Questions and Answers

Indian Law Interview Questions and Answers

Question - 21 : - Who settles disputes in the election of President in India?

Answer - 21 : - Supreme Court - According to Article 71 of the Indian Constitution, all doubts and disputes arising out of or in connection with the election of a President or Vice-President shall be inquired into and decided by the Supreme Court.

Question - 22 : - Which article deals with the appointment of judges of the High Courts?

Answer - 22 : - Article 217 - The Judges of the Supreme Court are appointed by the President under Article 124 (2), while the Judges of the High Courts are appointed by the President under Article 217 (1) of the Constitution.

Question - 23 : - Which is the guardian of Fundamental Rights ?

Answer - 23 : - Judiciary - In Indian Constitution, Articles 32 and 226 provide the judiciary the power to act as protector of fundamental rights. The Supreme Court and the High Courts of India are the guardians of the fundamental rights to the citizens. In a criminal case, the judge has the power to decide whether the accused's rights have been violated. As with most disputes, the courts decide when a right has been violated. They then have the power to act in order.

Question - 24 : - Which of the article deals with the grants in aid by the Union government to the states?

Answer - 24 : - Article 275 - Article 275 makes provisions for statutory grants to needy states {not every state}. These are charged on Consolidated Fund of India. Such grants also include specific grants for promoting the welfare of the scheduled tribes in a state or for raising the level of administration of the scheduled areas in a state including the State of Assam. The bases of these grants are recommendations of finance commission.

Question - 25 : - Who decides whether a bill is a Money Bill or Not?

Answer - 25 : - Speaker of Lok Sabha

Question - 26 : - By which legislation India and Pakistan were divided into two independent nations?

Answer - 26 : - Indian Independence Act of 1947

Question - 27 : - Currently there are how many fundamental rights are recognized by the Indian constitution?

Answer - 27 : - There are six fundamental rights- 1) Right to equality 2) Right to freedom 3) Right against exploitation 4) Right to freedom of religion 5) Cultural and educational rights 6) Right to constitutional remedies

Question - 28 : - Indian constitutional rights were inspired by which historical documents?

Answer - 28 : - France’s Declaration of the Rights of Man and the United States Bill of Rights

Question - 29 : - Why 26 November is observed as Indian Constitution Day or Samvidhan Divas?

Answer - 29 : - Constitution Day which is also known as Samvidhan Divas is celebrated on 26 November each year to commemorate the adoption of Indian Constitution. On this day in 1949 the Constituent Assembly of India adopted the Constitution of India that came into effect on 26 January 1950. Government of India declared 26 November as Constitution Day on November 2015 on an occasion of B. R. Ambedkar’s birth anniversary.

Question - 30 : - Who is empowered by the Indian Constitution to appoint the Attorney General of India?

Answer - 30 : - President of India

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